Yep you read that right, we're home. The doctors are still amazed at our little blessing and at her ability to recover so quickly. They took her last chest tube out yesterday afternoon and sent us home last night. Abby had a great nights sleep, in our bed of course, and was back to her sweet little self today. I am just amazed at her ability to recover and rebound. We are truly blessed beyond words with this special gift from above.
Thank you all for your prayers and offers of support. We feel that by prayer and God guided hands Abby Grace was able to make a quick recovery. She'll have another surgery when she is a bit older and 13 pounds heavier. Until then she should have no complications or limitations. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. A big thanks to the pediatric cardiology team at MUSC, you guys are miracle workers here on earth. We'll never forget what you have done for Abby Grace.
So glad to hear you are home. I am so happy to hear Abby is doing better. We will certainly keep her in our prayers. She just looks like a little angel,and I can hardly wait to meet her. You all take care and get some rest now that you are back in the comfort of your own home. Call us when things settle down and get back to normal. We can't wait to see her. Love The Wards
Praise the Lord for His mighty works! So glad you are home. We will continue to lift you up as always! We love you guys.
Love, the Friesens
So glad to hear Abby Grace is home!!! What a strong and beautiful little girl! I am looking forward to finally meeting her. Call when you are ready for visitors. All of you will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
Praise glad she is doing well. Maggie has her heart appointment in a few weeks so please pray that all is well with that!
So glad to know you all are home. Will keep praying for you all here in TN!
Just got in from Virginia, and couldn't wait to check for an update. You are in our prayers.
Love, Rachel
I got your message the other day and intend to call you. Life has been SO crazy and I feel like I don't have a spare minute!
Hudson and I would pray for Abby every night while we rocked to sleep.
Hudson's favorite thing to play with is the girls old dishes and he too, stirs and mixes things and play eats! I too have wondered if they watched the food prepared.
He still says his "here" like he and Abby and did and once in a while does his "yayayayay".
I'll call you soon! I want ot hear details!
Love, Sharon
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