Friday, February 1, 2008

100 days and counting

I sat and watched (and cried a little) as our waiting counter reached 100 days this past Thursday. 100 days of praying and waiting. 100 days of worrying. 100 days of thinking when will the phone ring and when will it be our RA? 100 days may not seem like a long time but when you are waiting to bring your child home it often times feels like an eternity. I can only imagine how much Abby Grace has changed in these 100 days. I wish I could play 20 questions with her SWI director. Here are a few of the many questions I'd ask. How much has she grown? How is her heart doing? Is she staying warm in the -17* temperatures? What size clothes should I bring for her? Bottle or cup? Crib or bed? I she scared of dogs? Is she close to a particular friend? The list could go on and on...... I just wish I could know what is taking so long. I wonder if they have even pulled our dossier from the room and begun to review it or is it still sitting on the shelf with the original DTC group. If we don't hear something by Wednesday of next week I have a feeling it will be at the end of Feb or early March before we get our RA. The CCAA is closing for a week for the CNY on Wednesday and won't reopen unitl 2/12.

Great news!!!!!!!!!
All of our families who were in China getting their children have arrived home safely. It was wonderful to be able to follow them as they were united with their children. Welcome home everyone:)

Prayer requests:
Please pray for the weather in China. They are experiencing the coldest temperatures in 50+ years. Many airports have shut down as well as the trains.
Please pray for Abby and the other children in the orphanages. Many orphanages are not heated at all and are packed with children needing warmth and love.
Please plary for all of the waiting parents who are longing to travel to China and bring their children home. Grant us peace knowing the God is in control of the timing.
Please pray for the December DTC/LID Peppermint Pearls group. Many of these families are feeling depressed at the long wait for their children. Many of them have mentioned considering special needs children. Pray for them as they think about bringing a special needs child into their families.
Pray for our family as we await word on our RA. May the Lord grant us patience and ease our anxiousness.


Denise said...

I know exactly how your feel right now...I will be praying for you~

Sharon said...

The three of us (and others I'm sure) are in this together!!! One more day closer. I am praying for our little ones and quick RA's.

Carla said...

{hug} I've been where you are, and it's not easy. It feels like you are going to be stuck in limbo land for the rest of your life that there will never be an ending even though you KNOW there has to be. But your heart. Oh your heart aches, your arms feel empty, and you just want to get over there soon.

I remember writing a blog post about a question every day of our wait for LOA. Those haunted me...what did Katie's smile look like? How big or small were her feet? What does her laugh sound like? details my heart longed for. Details that took 5 months and 10 days to be answered. {hug}